Vente Associates

The Shortsale Experts.

Our shortsale staff has a extensive history of working with homeowners who's only option is to proceed with a shortsale.  We work with you from start to finish. Our dedicated team's only focus is completing your file in a timely manner. 

Vente Associates Shortsale Team makes the shortsale process uncomplicated for homeowners.  Along with resolving  homeowner debt to their bank, our team also resolves associated debt attached to their property.

Who can we help?   .

  • Owners who realize that resolving themselves of the huge financial burden that a foreclosure can bring and the bank's option of initiating a deficiency judgement against them when they take the property back. (Deficiency Judgement: the difference between what the bank is owed and what the bank sells the property for).
  • Owners who want the peace of mind of moving forward in life, for themselves and their families.
  • Owners who want to improve their credit, resolve associated debt related to their property.
  • Owners who have filed bankruptcy to manage their debt.
  • Owners who are in foreclosure and their property value is worth less then their mortgage.
  • Owners who have incurred taxes, utility bills or violations that make it impossible for them to recover.
  • A change in family status/income such as; death, divorce, loss or change in employment.

Vente Associates Shortsale Team makes the shortsale process uncomplicated.

  • No distractions by other business or professional interests.
  • We know how to submit all documents needed by the bank to prevent delays or misunderstandings.
  • We have a history of working with over 25 banks all over the U.S..
  • Owners are updated bi-monthly via email or text regarding the status of their file.
  • No guesswork regarding your file.
  • All owners are provided with the details of how the process works for them and their prospective outcomes.

Do You have questions regarding what you should do?

  • We provide commitment free assessments.
  • No worries.... our team makes house calls.
  • We work with your schedule weekdays or weekends.        Contact Us At:  or 866-860-4405